Here is an excerpt from the December 2010 lesson.

PSALM 66 is the third Song of praise to the chief musician and is a threefold psalm. It contains nine admonitions to the world, reinforced by twelve acts of God and a gourmet recipe to answered prayer.
All ye lands (ERETS, pronounced eh’•rets, the entire earth, including earth’s inhabitants) are admonished to:
1. Make a joyful noise unto God (v.1). RUWA, pronounced rü•ah’, to shout, raise a sound, cry out, to give a blast.
2. Sing forth the Honour of God’s name (v.2). ZAMAR, pronounced zä•mar’, to sing, sing praise, to make music with instruments. KABOWD, pronounced kä•vōde’, glory, honour, glorious, abundance, riches, splendour, reverence.
3. Make God’s praise glorious (v.2). TEHILLAH, pronounced teh•hil•lä’, praise, song or hymn of praise, adoration, thanksgiving. KABOWD (same as above).
4. Tell God how terrible His works are (v.3). YARE, pronounced yä•rā’, fearful, dreadful, reverential, honourable.
5. Come and see the works of God (v.5). RA’AH, pronounced rä•ä’, to look at, see, regard, look after, see after, learn about, observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out.
6. Let not the rebellious exalt themselves (v.7). CARAR, pronounced sä•rar’, rebellious, stubborn, revolters, backsliders. RUWM, pronounced rüm, to rise, rise up, be high, be lofty, be exalted.
7. Bless God (v.8). BARAK, pronounced bä•rak’, bless, kneel.
8. Make the voice of God’s praise be heard (v.8). QOWL, pronounced kōle, voice, sound, noise. TEHILLAH, (same as v. 2). SHAMA, pronounced shä•mah’, to hear, listen to, understand, obey.
9. Come and hear (v.16). SHAMA (same as v. 8).

Romans 14:22-23 says that we must have faith to ourselves before God. The fact of each individual’s faith is between that individual and God. One must know of a surety that anything one allows is in perfect accord with the Word of God because where there is doubt, there is sin.
James 1:5-8 says that if any of us lack wisdom we can ask God for it and God will give it to us. We must ask in faith without wavering because if we waver we would be double minded and unstable in all our ways.
I John 3:20-22 says that we can be assured and confident if our heart does not condemn us. This would mean that we are obedient to His word and are doing things pleasing to Him. It is only then that we will have confidence toward God and receive whatsoever we ask of him.
I John 5:14-15 says that the evidence of the confidence we have in God is established when we know that He hears us. When we know that He hears us we also know that we will have whatsoever we ask for. Be confident!

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