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…is a HUGE command. Judge not!

This type of judging generally relates to everyday life, and the passing of judgment, or condemnation upon the words and deeds of the people we see daily.

It also relates specifically to those who unfairly or severely find fault in others. We must condemn no one, but must follow Jesus’ example of showing compassion and love, and of offering a path to reconciliation.

Judge not; condemn not; lest the same amount of condemnation be returned to us. I’m talking to myself too.😇 Judge not.

SM, Epignosis Teacher

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Our Heavenly Father did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice, but one of dynamic power, of perfect love and of self control. Say no fear.

Have a blessed day!

SM, Epignosis Teacher

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The Good Shepherd

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Yehovah Raah

The Lord, my Shepherd: The good Shepherd.

The Good Shepherd

We lack no good thing since God Himself is our friend who feeds us.

This is similar to a good shepherd who finds pastures to feed his flock.

Trust God to always provide for you. Believe Him. Take Him at His Word.

Yehovah Raah

The Lord, my Shepherd: The good Shepherd.

SM, Epignosis Teacher

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Mustard seed faith has the potential to become a tree of faith. How are you handling your seed? Have you stuck it in good ground so it can germinate and begin to take root? Are you nurturing it so it can spring up and start growing?

Mustard Tree Faith

“And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭17:6‬ KJV

My encouragement to all is, move from fear to faith and from belief to knowing. Nurture your mustard seed faith into a mustard tree faith.

SM, Epignosis TCHR

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God is Almighty and has no equal. Satan isn’t on the same level with God because he’s in no way analogous to God. Satan is not on a level with Christ or with the Holy Spirit either. Satan is a ruler who controls an evil force with a hierarchical structure, but Satan is even lower in authority than one of God’s Archangels, Michael. Jude, the brother of James wrote:

“Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.” (Jude 9)

Jude was writing about fighting for the faith. He spoke about earthly defilers who despise dominion and speak evil of dignitaries, and made a comparison with the Archangel who was quite humble in his rebuke of Satan. Jude noted that Michael had an actual verbal struggle with Satan about Moses’ body.


In this scripture, ‘contending’ refers to separating oneself and opposing, striving and disputing with another in a hostile way. ‘Disputed’ denotes arguing or wrangling about something. Satan’s approach toward Michael was hostile but does not appear to be ‘physical’.


The Archangel Michael had to oppose Satan hostilely and use his supremacy in Christ Jesus to restrict him. Michael did not ‘fight’ Satan or use injurious or reproachful speech in a damning, judgmental or condemning way. He simply said this to him:

“The Lord rebuke thee.”

Michael used the title ‘The Lord’ meaning the one in supreme authority. This is a title given to God our Messiah who is Christ Jesus himself.

He continued with the word rebuke, which, in the Greek context means admonish, censure severely, curb any ferocity or violence, judge and give just rewards. This four-word English statement was translated from the Greek text and essentially means:

“God the Messiah, the one in supreme authority, my Master who is also your Master, reprimand, denounce and restrain you and your violent ferocity from me, as well as judge you and give you what you truly deserve.”

This is a proper example of how we should resist Satan. We should not exalt self or lord over him as some people do. We should be composed and humble and simply rebuke him. Be guided by the Archangel Michael’s example of the use of authority and be mindful that our mental and spiritual attitude must agree with the reality of our aptitude in Christ.



We must be convinced in mind beyond all doubt and must live out our conviction by aligning our speech and actions with what we know to be true. Know what God says we are and be just that. We are not a defeated people.

“…in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” (Romans 8:37)

We are assured of complete victory. Our reality is we are more than conquerors, meaning we can gain decisive victory over things, as well as overrun and vanquish beyond them, through Christ and through God.

I encourage all born-again believers to memorise the literal rebuke used by the Archangel Michael, allow the force of it to inhabit your inner-being, and use it as needed.