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“I have told you these things so that you will have peace. You will be like that because you are united with me.”

In this world, you will have trouble. But be brave! I have destroyed the power of this world.’”


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Christ died on the cross on my behalf. It is like I died there with him. So I do not live my own life any more.

Instead, Christ lives in me. The life that I live now in my body, I live because I trust what he has done for me. He has loved me so much that he died on my behalf.


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If you belong to Christ Jesus, God’s Spirit has given you a new life. The Holy Spirit gives us the compulsion to act right because He frees us from the impulse to practice the culture and custom of sin.

Know this, God’s Spirit now rules in your life and he has made you free. Sin and death no longer have authority over you. Reject the practice of sin since we possess the impulse to right action through the Holy Spirit who is in us.


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That is why we do not let ourselves become sad about our work.

The person that we are on the outside is getting older and less able. But the person that we are on the inside is becoming newer day by day. Inner renewal.


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The light of day is the place to be. It is like a free zone; a place where I am free to be true to my new born again nature.

We should live in a good way, because we live in the light of day. We should not go to wild parties. We must not be drunks. We must not have sex with anyone who is not our own wife or husband. We must not do wrong things with our bodies. We must not quarrel. We must not be jealous of other people.

The light of day is our proper place based on our new life in Christ. We are light in this dark world. Be light!

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