Okay, so what are you afraid of? Are you in God? God is LOVE and there is NO FEAR in LOVE!



Many people think FEAR is normal. Psychologists even say fear is “good”. That does not make sense from a Biblical perspective. The Holy Bible talks about fearing (reverencing) the Lord but it also speaks about another kind of fear that torments people. Here is what the scripture says:

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18 (KJV)

I can understand when a non-believer entertains fear but what about when believers live in FEAR? Something is wrong with that! Let us examine the scripture.

This word fear is translated from the Greek word  φόβος (phobos) (Strong’s G5401). It is used here to describe fear, dread and terror. The word torment is translated from the Greek word  κόλασις (kolasis) (G2851). It is used in only two (2) scriptures as punishment (Matt.25:46) and torment (above) and refers to correction, punishment and a penalty. It is the same torment that a soul in Hell experiences and this is what fear brings to us if we entertain it.

The word perfect is translated from the Greek word  τέλειος (teleios) (Strong’s G5046). It refers to something that is mature, full grown and needs nothing to make it complete. The word love is translated from the Greek word  ἀγάπη (agapē) (Strong’s G26). It refers to affection, good will, love, benevolence and brotherly love. This love is demonstrated perfectly in the Love of Christ toward us (John 15:13). The context in scripture is that FULL GROWN, MATURE AGAPE/love casteth out, or throws fear out through the door and scatters it so that it has no effect.

The scripture says anyone who fears is not FULL GROWN and is not made perfect; they are NOT carrying through completely, to accomplish, to finish or to become MATURE in LOVE/GOD. God gave believers a Spirit of Power, of Love, and of a Sound Mind. He did NOT give us the spirit of fear or timidity, fearfulness and cowardice!!!

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV)

Please remember my friends, there is NO FEAR in LOVE and God is LOVE. Blessings to YOU!!!