Don’t get macked like Eve!

So, what was it that really got Eve?

Firstly, she had second hand info. God told Adam not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam must have told Eve because when the serpent approached her, it questioned her about what God said. Serpent: Did God really say… Eve: He said we shouldn’t even touch it…

Secondly, the serpent tempted her because it figured she was an easy target with second hand info. God did not tell Adam don’t even touch it; Eve added that and the serpent knew then that she could be tricked.

Thirdly, the serpent tempted her and Adam together with 1. Lust of the eye; 2. Lust of the flesh; and 3. Pride of life. They succumbed to that trick.

Fourthly, Adam did not stop Eve, neither did he deny her when she gave the fruit to him. He was right there with her, took it from her and tried it for himself despite getting the command directly from God to not eat the fruit from that specific tree.

They both disobeyed God and then when they got caught, blamed someone else. Adam: the woman you gave me… Eve: the serpent beguiled me…

We need to know for ourselves what God says. Macking Eve first made it easier to mack Adam.

Don’t get macked.